cPanel : WARNING: RVSiteBuilder recommend PHP maximum execution

RVSiteBuilder warning messages under WHM :

WARNING: RVSiteBuilder recommend PHP maximum execution time of each script , in 180 seconds or above.
HELP: Edit /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc/php.ini and change “max_execution_time=180” or above, and restart cPanel service (/usr/local/cpanel/startup).

WARNING: RVSiteBuilder recommend maximum size of POST data 105M or above.
HELP: Edit /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc/php.ini and change “post_max_size=105M” or above, and restart cPanel service (/usr/local/cpanel/startup).

WARNING: RVSiteBuilder recommend maximum allowed size for uploaded files that PHP will accept 100M or above.
HELP: Edit /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc/php.ini and change “upload_max_filesize=100M” or above, and restart cPanel service (/usr/local/cpanel/startup).

Solution :

Execute using root logins :

perl /var/cpanel/rvglobalsoft/rvsitebuilder/panelmenus/cpanel/scripts/

Restart cPanel :


If again you see the warnings after cPanel restart, manually change the values for PHP under WHM >> Tweak Settings.

PHP max execution time for cPanel PHP execution in seconds (default 90)
PHP Max Post Size for cPanel PHP in Megabytes (default 55M)
cPanel PHP Register Globals (Off [unchecked] is recommended for security reasons)
PHP Max Upload Size for cPanel PHP in Megabytes (default 50M)
Loader to use for internal cPanel PHP (Use oldsourceguardian for version 1.x and 2.x)




This fixes your issue.

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